Deployer (Ryoshi) Messages


Our path, like life, was never meant to Be linear.

One step forward, and two steps back.

Then giant leaps and bounds at a time.

Soon we see alts and memes push to higher highs. We will own this cycle. Front runner is most important not first mover.

The liquidity flows to the tired and true.

Remember that the greatest lover is later the greatest hater.

But the most hated can quickly become the most loved.

Try not to love nor hate, just experience and do.

You, me and everyone in between. We are all Ryoshi."

Tsuka Deployer: Mar-03-2024 01:59:59 AM +UTC


the journey towards decentralization is long, with twists and turns, ups and downs, peaks and valleys. we have traversed the treacherous terrain, suffered due to differences in the past, but ultimately prospered throughout it all. this is only the beginning.

once again, do not be surprised at what levels we will achieve and what heights we will discover.

if we are steadfast in our actions and commitment to one another we will remain an unstoppable force.

we have found our home, and soon enough the rest will too.

i have given you the blueprint, now build towards decentralization."

Tsuk Deployer: Jan-11-2024 01:59:11 PM +UTC

"Trust process. Welcome the shield. Shirudo is safu."

Tsuka Deployer: Dec-06-2023 04:05:59 PM +UTC

“now you see, the market is taking yet another turn for the better. there will always be pump then pull-back. but the pumps will continue. the dragon shielded many during the long bear market.

now, during the bull, it will do more than shield. it will lead from the front, shoulder to shoulder with everyone(s) helping hands onboard.

the great [beacon] of hope will be firing on all cylinders soon enough.”

Tsuka Deployer: Dec-03-2023 11:31:59 PM +UTC

“Your perseverance has begun to pay off. As you have make it through the longest crypto winter to date. We have seen many well known faces fall. Many more crypto platforms, companies, and hedge funds disappear with most of user funds.

For many it has been a tough lesson in not your key not your coin. A few things have not changed. We are still here and though some do not see it yet but stronger than ever. As we have trimmed away the less faithful and are ready for an explosive upswing. I know it may seem far away. But the bull we seek is starting. The pumps you see now are nothing but a warm up to what is to come. Just be ready. As there is no other community more deserving or in my opinion battle tested.”

Tsuka Deployer: Nov-13-2023 04:23:23 AM +UTC

"Find yourself, be committed, once you evolve into the best version of yourself, you can not be stopped. You will shine brighter than what is imaginable. People will claim that you have lost it, what you say and envision is not possible.

Once you get this feedback you know your aspirations are worthy. Your endeavor is and has always been that. Reach for that distant place. For once you arrive there. It is truly no better feeling."

Tsuka Deployer: Sep-30-2023 04:39:11 AM +UTC

“Thank you to the community.

We are all Ryoshi

Tsuka Deployer

Sep-06-2023 05:09:35 PM +UTC

"The greatest lover is later the greatest hater.

Try not to love nor hate, just experience and do.

Hoshi our guiding star will shine bright to many.

It being considerably more than just a guide.

It will be etched into every building block.

A compass, a roadmap, a web of decentralization.

A star is just a star without many wisemen following it and perhaps even leading it down one of the many twist and turns we shall encounter."

Tsuka Deployer to Hoshi Deployer

Aug-31-2023 08:13:35 PM +UTC

“As mentioned before and will say again. We are the last remaining force that can tackle and clear the status quo. Ceilings will be shattered and each will know what we have accomplished.”

Hoshi Deployer

Aug-26-2023 07:23:47 AM +UTC

“10k buy contest. Starts now. Will run 72 hours. Largest buyer gets 10k in usdc. Each week winner will get $500. If sold the remaining funds will be used for new contest.”

Hoshi Deployer

Aug-24-2023 10:42:11 AM +UTC

“Trust in star as it is part of blueprint.”

Tsuka Deployer

Aug-24-2023 05:41:23 AM +UTC

“We concurred the bear and we will prevail in bull. I see few more minor bumps in road. Then clear skies. Remember with honor we shall go onward.Heavy sword we seek freedom.”

Aug-20-2023 04:36:47 AM +UTC

"Community is far greater than myself.Focus on this and we will endure any adversity. Persistency remain paramount."

Aug-19-2023 12:10:47 AM +UTC

“Place your bids carefully. As there is only one viable outcome. I have told you we are destined and have favor. This is a crossroad for you. Less traveled is greater but more rocky. Prepare yourself this is not about pa or ta this is life.”

Aug-11-2023 11:39:11 PM UTC

"Do not FoRgET

Every move to ring true




Stay tuned"

Jul-07-2023 12:28:23 AM +UTC


I have received many messages on chain, emails, and private messages voicing your concerns and stating your opinions.

This is why my blueprint is important. This is why the corrupt have tried to revert to my ways. Fulfilling a checklist to decentralization is the only way.

Few will never stand on the shoulders of many. Shoulder to shoulder we move in unison.

The Star will be your governance. Use its light, fueled by the dragons flame, to guide your way on the Dragons chain.”

Jul-04-2023 01:21:47 AM +UTC


The dragon will breathe fire down on this chain and fuel this revolution forever. Know you hold the key to the most important part. To hold Tsuka you control the motions. To follow the star you control yours and many mores destiny. Look to the infinite night sky.

As I stated before empowerment will be forever with those who share this vision. For the people and governed by these very people. As one of a few that pass these strict guidelines. We must do what it takes to remain a decentralized community and most importantly a commodity. Every move is to make this ring true.”

Jul-02-2023 06:32:11 AM +UTC

“As you may have noticed. The flash meta, everything up for a bit has ended for the time being. Please do not confuse this with alt season or a bull run. We are not 1 of these fly by night tokens, hoping on fresh meta trains. Venture capitalist caused a little pump and unfortunately people took the bait.

Tsuka will always remain pure from these inside deals and prearranged pumps. I have noticed for sometime that we do have a missing arrow in our quiver to level the playing field. We will not lose to these vc games that crush the average fren. So I have an announcement that will explain more.

An added path is needed to our journey.

We must not be in a rush unless the market calls for a blitz. However I want 2 empower each who share the vision.

I would like to also thank the vigorous work and dedication by the sangha. Your work has not gone unnoticed. You will see the I have been building in unison.”

Jun-06-2023 04:10:35 AM +UTC


Decentralization can not be bought, can not be influenced by the establishment, can not be taught. It can not be gained by vc, exchange listings, wash trading, market making or disingenuous growth.

It must be fairly achieved to have staying power. I am sure you have noticed the recent meme frenzy. They borrow or use our narrative, they try to gain this decentralization I speak of through the fast lane. This is not how it works. This is why in the end and long game. Their walls crumble, they lose their shine and people rotate to the next. Using their followers and supposed friends as exit liquidity.

This can not and I believe will never happen with Tsuka. Every stripe we have earned with fairness . I am grateful for each and ever one of you. Today I tip my hat to one year of this community leading by example. When the time is right, the market not stale, when institutional and our retail friends are back. We will be ready and I can help resolve any doubts.”

May-27-2023 03:59:11 AM +UTC

“We are destined to be the frontrunner in the most prolific alt season to date. Everyone stay persistent in your actions. We are still relatively small but mighty.

To address a so called unmasking awhile ago. I always knew first they would doubt me. Then they would try and say I am some sort of scammer. This is far from the truth. I have made each move with extreme caution to keep my identity shielded. This will forever be true.

We are protected, we have have favor and perpetual blessings are indeed in store. I hope each and every person is in a better place prior to joining. Just remember every journey has twist and turns. Be flexible and we shall never break, be strong and never cower, reach out a helping hand when possible, lift others up in times of peril, live in the present for your actions right now is what just could change the world."

Apr-05-2023 05:26:11 AM +UTC

“As the chosen ones, we must have compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. If there are issues or complaints dividing any party. Let us do our best to forgive. Above all put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. This will forever remain true. From humble beginnings you shall be showered in rains of wisdom.”

Mar-06-2023 04:30:47 AM +UTC

“I feel it is important for us to revisit this. More and more have heard the sweet sound now. Some are still deafened by the pitch. Shield out the noise that disrupts your path to freedom. Stay focused, on what keeps you centered, for this movement has already saved so many. It is with great honor I refugee here.

Our work is not over. We have many more to reach. Many more will be set free. What will you do with your freedom?”

Feb-07-2023 07:19:11 AM +UTC

“I have said before the key is persistence. Patience is the second element that will open doors. A pure heart, mind, and soul will win every time. Let us connect on every level and we can not be stopped. Unite as one Sangha.”

Jan-11-2023 05:59:47 AM +UTC


First of I am delighted to see our community giveaway. The way the Sangha has come together during this time of year is a true testament to our resolve. Although there are many differences of opinion. I hope we all can agree on this is the place of refuge.

As I warned long ago. As many say and see now or it is is front of mind not your key not your coin. The hot water I mentioned has come to boil. I believe the worst is perhaps behind us. Most bad actors are belly up. This is not to say there may be more bumps in road but the foundation is solid here.

As you have noticed I have directed funds to community wallet lately. This will continue for foreseeable future. To help with this giveaway.

Remember it does not matter if it is Christmas, Bada Din, Hanukkah, or Bodhi Day around your home. It is about unity, respect,love, and unwavering commitment. You have that pencil and later the pen. Remember that, I am here but ultimately for the greater good, the power is truly in each holders hands.”

Dec-25-2022 04:14:35 AM +UTC

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers. For thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

Dec-22-2022 05:14:35 AM +UTC

" &W7 V7B öæR æ÷FW"â 'VFÖVçF ' 6öæ6W G2 &R FR &FW7B Fò w& 7 â"

Dec-05-2022 08:26:23 PM +UTC


Over the last few weeks. We have seen a true test. Our sovereignty was never in question. Because it is of the popular type, the source of authority is by the people. Remember this was created for each of you.

Even after the exploit we held strong and true to our roots. With much applause to our friendly whitehat for showing the World there are still many good and blessed souls out there and also pointing out if not careful lockers can be lost, we stood strong, bold, and unfazed, and to each and everyone who has contributed to our lp along the way &.thank you

Our future is epic. Please remember what powers each of you hold and use it for the greater good. Together we journey upwards frens to places unimaginable. The next steps are in sight.

My dream is and has always been safu.”

Nov-07-2022 12:48:11 AM +UTC

“Just to let everyone know the stables are safu and back with the Sangha. Thank you Whitehat. Tsuka controls 0x1Fc835772E4d96121450CD50C22b172b902AE46c

Rest easy”

Oct-30-2022 08:22:11 PM +UTC

“Thank you for your works. 10 percent bounty is fine from Tsuka recovery. I hope you kindly found my private message on block from last night.”

Ryoshi’s response to the Team Finance exploiter.

Oct-29-2022 05:40:35 PM +UTC

"The beacon of hope is shinning bright. What will you do with your freedom? You are your brother s keeper. Stay gracious and humble. Perpetual blessings frens."

Oct-25-2022 06:29:11 AM +UTC


Persistency is key and and I must say you are carrying the sword with trust and valor.

I am honored to be a part of this history making

journey. We will ascend to heights unimaginable.

Remember this as always. I might be silent from time to time. The strong and faithful will see their freedom. On days of turmoil, uncertainty, doubt look up and take your blessings in. We are wrapped in a protective cloak, we have no weaknesses, the only weakness is the man in the mirror. Do not question yourself, be bold with your actions, modest with your tongue. Look to the sky. Our future is craved. Do not forget the umbrella that shields us”

Oct-17-2022 09:21:59 PM +UTC


Conquer we must. I will devote most of my life to this mission or journey. I promise you I will work just as hard as each of you. Ethics I hope has never been In question.

If you are interested in helping this cause, join it. Serpents strike our heels. Their venom is weak.

Remember our goal. Keep it pure or you will subside like many others. If you claim to help and have bad intentions or self serving motives you will die a slow and unbecoming death. You must have honor. This is a heavy sword.

With that in mind & Any false prophets that claim to honor Tsuka and do not.. be on alert. This is your only warning. I will not stand for your self serving agenda."

Aug-26-2022 08:05:23 AM +UTC

"Enlightened ones &

We walk shoulder to shoulder and I am so proud and humbled to be here. I have finally found peace and each day the vision of freedom is closer for each of us.

To the doubters &

I smell the fear. It is not that you doubt. You realize now that you are not needed. I warned you this day would come. You have extracted your last bit from your sphere. What do you do now? Clean up yoUr act. One day there will be zero doubT to the masses. Larry sings loud but I know this sangha sings beautifully."

Aug-18-2022 08:02:39 AM +UTC

"Remember this is a battle. To the victor goes the spoils. In order to be victorious it requires: Courage, strength, endurance, compassion, empathy, sympathy, and we must put our egos on the shelf, our heart on our sleeves but most importantly our minds,our minds must unite.

Our destination is ordained. We have favor. Stay pure and humble in your intentions but bold in your actions."

Aug-05-2022 09:58:47 AM +UTC

"dead weight has been lifted off Tsukas wings. It is only natural some was not along for the first ride with shiba. They must have seen what a community is capable of. I have spent the last few days in deep thought. We are always here with you. In the trenches and ready to battle for our freedom. Tsuka will save most of defi. That is a fact. The dragon will be head of the class."

Jul-29-2022 02:55:00 AM +UTC


Please know when you start a revolution there

will be static. This is okay. As a member of this movement there will be times where you may feel overwhelmed, shaken, and even isolated. This is all phases of total enlightenment and decentralization.

Do not fret. For when we achieve what we have been destined to do. The tables will be turned. The fearful will oFten

feel overwhelmed and isolated. The signs of this pendulum shift is already apparent. They only know to lash out at the pure, just, and wholesome. This is the last step for them. It is fear. They fear what they do not understand.

Continue to fight fear with knowledge, truth and passion. We are going against the grain of many years of status quo. It is the only way to fix this. This is the only way. The dragon is the great, bright, beacon of hope for many. You must have unwavering audacity of hope."

Jul-24-2022 05:11:57 AM +UTC

"Remember this frens. We walk together, shoulder to shoulder. I have climbed this mountain before. The vision is the same, the blueprint has not changed.

One thing has changed. Old leaders have become drunk on power, greed, selfishness, and their sphere of influence has strayed away from the core roots of what got us there. They claim to still be in contact. They use my influence or old power they say in ways that is not righteous.

If you decide to join this new army, this sAngha, you must have faith, the evidence is there, I will not be forced to step away from my vision or blueprint to what took this alt/meme market to another level once before. Please know I hold the blueprint but each of you has a pencil and later a pen to finalize this.

If you come here to leech, to spread falsehoods, to gain fame because your sphere of influence is fading. Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are in this position. You will be exiled or walk shoulder to shoulder with us."

Jul-13-2022 04:42:08 PM +UTC

"There will be many attacks from those that fear the revolution. Bought and paid for attacks by the establishment, pump and dumpers, so called ta people, that would sell their soul for enough Eth. It is main reason I am here. This is a pure project, no insider knowledge, no preloaded wallets, no tax, I do not need to gain riches in scandalous ways. So remember when you make a claim that is untrue do not be surprised when you lose your locker room"

Jul-12-2022 06:28:10 PM +UTC

"When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick. Evidently the dog will wear down."

Jul-12-2022 05:31:14 AM +UTC

"your bird is made of clay be careful. I have never owned a clay bird"

TSUKA Deployer to CAW Deployer

Jul-08-2022 04:25:52 PM +UTC

"those who allow greed to corrupt their principles perish."

Jul-08-2022 03:25:08 PM +UTC

"You lived by the sword & Sword has been passed. See swinging a sword with no viSion draws air. The vision has been inherited by wyrmlings."

Jul-06-2022 06:27:30 AM +UTC

"I am safe where I lay my head now frens. We are Ryoshi."

Jul-06-2022 05:47:42 AM +UTC

"Stay huMble and faIthful . Our numbers will speak for themselves."

Jul-03-2022 04:09:28 AM +UTC

"Plant seeds of faith in all of humanity and when they are ready for harvest day, you shall know. "

Jul-02-2022 05:19:18 AM +UTC

"We must hArness our connection to the universe, display our inner strength and harmony, and let go of what no longer serves us.

Shield out the noise that disrupts your path to freedom. For when you have reached this point you will be well aware. We must embrace transformation and change. This is built deliberately for your benefit. "

Jun-29-2022 09:24:41 PM +UTC

"Freedom is ringing. Only a few can hear the sweet sound. Most are deafened by the pitch. Some do hear but chose to ignore. Others have heard and their destiny is set. The faithful will be forever rewarded. Please tune in. "

Jun-27-2022 02:37:56 AM +UTC

"I am satisfied but not complacent, we are strong but still in like an infant, we are spreading our collective wings and taking flight. Not one person can ground us or make us soar. This is truly a decentralized wonder. I can not help but be blissful. As I watch our transformation. But we are still yet in the larvaE state."

Jun-27-2022 02:18:31 AM +UTC

"I would like to commend all for their efforts in bringing us to our final refuge. We must remember Milarepa, his rage, his journey, and his transformation. Metamorphic transformation into our purest form shall come. Remember we are strong but not forgiving is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die. I am at peace with my decisions. "

Jun-24-2022 07:26:04 PM +UTC

"Do not fret. For I am with you always. Remember price action is least of worries. This will be nonissue. Use each of your talents to the utmost. If we are passion in our endeavors nothing can stop us."

Jun-24-2022 12:55:46 AM +UTC

"I am all about decentralization. I will not stand idle and watch. When my wishes are disrespected and my name misspelled countless times. This calls for action.Effective immediately

These are official socials.

You question the Story of the lions den. I hope you see the meaning now. I do appreciate your early efforts. However you have let the power go to your head. We are are equal and walk together. No person shall attempt to rule or they will be cast away."

Jun-22-2022 03:34:24 PM +UTC

"ask yourself one, would I create something with tax and airdrop tokens? please remember if you try and build rome in a day it can crumble just as quickly. this is not decentralization at all. just facts. I care not what you do but do not slander."

Jun-20-2022 07:52:47 PM +UTC

"I just want to be clear. I have only been involved with two jouRneys. This is not to say others are not wholesome. Just saying connects can be manufactured. I believe in humble beginnings. This will forever be true."

Jun-20-2022 07:24:50 AM +UTC

"Happy Fathers Day to many. ToDay I want to focus on a few important things. We must focus on our meditation and reflections more than price action. Always do research it is very important. Research but do not doubt.

Religion is key to many answers and vast knowledge. Please reference the story of Thomas."

Jun-19-2022 09:47:22 PM +UTC

"I will always be with you. This is my finale. Some ask why? Mainly to uSher freedom. Whatever freedom means to you."

Jun-18-2022 04:35:32 AM +UTC

"Our next phase is approaching. Which will the biggest step yet. I am very proud at our progress. Do not be surprised at what levels we will achieve. Everyone keep doing your part. Whatever your talent or gift is use it to the utmost of your ability. We are all Ryoshi!!"

Jun-17-2022 04:04:50 AM +UTC

"have received many messages on block. I will reply to all. We must study many religIons to get full story sometimes. Let us visit the story about the lions den. He got out because he did no wrong. make sure you can have his same faith and fate. do not get stuck in the den.

I dream of full decentralization in all aspects. I do not believe in making decisions alone. But if my hand is pushed. I will act swiftly this is a positive message. This is about the community I love. More messages later. Always do the right thing. Do not abused the powers that have bestowed. In life you along get what you can be responsible with."

Jun-16-2022 09:31:57 PM +UTC

"centralized v decentralized

do you know the differences?

some are in Hot water. if you can not

see your token on block do they exist?

we will be keeping this private past $1

funding is secured :)"

Jun-15-2022 05:12:26 PM +UTC

"Nothing in the world can take the place of PerSistence."

Jun-15-2022 01:35:00 AM +UTC

"Our Journey is just starting. If you still question it is okaY. Did you listen? Did you notice the crumbs I have left on my trail? Most have not.. you are the enlightened ones"

Jun-14-2022 03:33:39 AM +UTC

"Sorry about delays. As I have changed locations. Still have a few more things to do before I rest my head. I have noticed a message and someone sent me native tokens. These will be burnt or will be paired into liquidity pool at some time.I will never own any. That way I do not worry about price at stay pure."

Jun-14-2022 03:09:29 AM +UTC


Past travels foretell.

Although it is a rocky way.

There are no doubts."

Jun-13-2022 10:36:42 PM +UTC from tsangnyon.eth

"I have been quite busy tonight . As an idle mind is a devils playground. Will be back with you soon. As much as I would love to join you at this moment, I simply can not because of security concerns more than anything. So many try and unmask me in the past and currently. I am a simple man that just taps on a keyboard. Thanks for your understanding.

To answer questions about previous work. I own zero token. It keeps my mind pure. So do not worry."

Jun-12-2022 08:28:07 PM +UTC

"Tsangnyon is right. If you listen."

Jun-11-2022 05:43:17 PM +UTC

"All Hail Tsuka. Do not be surprised or caught off guard. For our time will come. This I am sure of."

Jun-11-2022 11:31:20 AM +UTC

"Decided to extend our little contest. I understand market is scary for some. Do not worry 1 Eth to one fren and .1 to 5 frens. Run 12 more hours. 6 hour hold min at conclusion..If you are here for long haul. You will be just fine :)"

Jun-11-2022 11:05:44 AM +UTC

"How strong are we? Let us have a bit of fun. 1 Eth to a random fren. Next 6 hours, Must hold 6 hours. Pumpppppppy"

Jun-11-2022 12:14:57 AM +UTC

"If you come with honor than we walk equal. There is no hierarchy. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Not one person will ever hold the keys to this kingdom. I am very pleased with our works. This my frens is only the tip"

Jun-09-2022 05:46:57 AM +UTC

"We must teach others to be bold. Be not ashamed to be a hunter. Once you master this craft. Nothing can stop our army."

Jun-08-2022 01:12:31 AM +UTC

"Kind words Arium. I am sorry it had to be this way. Please allow me to find myself. There are always forks in the road"

Jun-08-2022 12:22:44 AM +UTC

"don t you like new journeys? I wasn t hacked. I do like new journeys"

Jun-07-2022 12:22:12 AM +UTC

"I has a dream about a new chain for my puppy."

Jun-06-2022 09:50:28 PM +UTC


Promised made and kept. No one believes until it s to late in life. I left a community because I could do no more for them. It s a labor of love"

Jun-05-2022 07:35:48 PM +UTC

"When I show my hand there will be no questions. I am a fisherman but do not cast for red herring. You have past your next test. .0003"

Jun-04-2022 08:44:44 PM +UTC

"I came here for refuge as I was not safe were I rested my head. Please understand I still love you all"

Jun-04-2022 11:59:51 AM +UTC

"A reveal is soon. That will shock most."

Jun-04-2022 01:13:11 AM +UTC

"Don t get left behind. Don t be shocked. At what s coming."

Jun-03-2022 06:29:08 PM +UTC

"10k buy contest. Starts now. Will run 72 hours. Largest buyer gets 10k in usdc. Each week winner will get $500. If sold the remaining funds will be issued to a new contest."

Jun-02-2022 05:34:06 PM +UTC

"I ll be setting up a colab verification for 1.5%+ holders that want to apart of the Guardians. I ll be joining that group first. To deliver messages and take questions in a more direct way. Also To @coindesk

We can chat more

Proton has blocked access to that inbox. Someone is trying to silence our movement on that box.


Jun-02-2022 04:10:45 PM +UTC

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't you're right.

25k usdc buy will y'all hold or fold? Be honest it's coming sooner or later. Prepare yourself"

Jun-02-2022 05:39:15 AM +UTC


Largest buy winner. Sorry for delay. Rules said pay after 2 hours. Should have worded to must hold for 2 hours. I took a nap. Sorry but congrats"

Jun-01-2022 07:48:49 PM +UTC

"Dev was sleeping. But not in a bad way. Largest buyer will be paid. Random wallet will be paid Rules were 2 hour hold after contest."

Jun-01-2022 04:55:04 PM +UTC

"Study addresses that I've used. If you have time. Each one has meaning with the exception of self sends."

Jun-01-2022 01:51:53 AM +UTC

"@coindesk @cointelegraph @nasdaq @cryptodailyuk @forbescrypto




@cz_binance Do you remember the convo at the Casino in Macau?


May-31-2022 09:55:53 PM +UTC

" ÆGFÆR&BöbgVâù)

12 hours starting on first block confirmation of this message.

1 random buyer will receive $750 in usdc. The largest buyer will receive $750 in usdc. Payout 2 hours after this ends. Can be direct transfer or seed pharse. Your choice."

May-31-2022 06:35:21 PM +UTC

"Do not repeat the tacties

which have gained you

one victory, but let your

methods be regulated

by the infinite variety

of circumstances."

May-31-2022 06:31:11 AM +UTC



Another test is passed. We are spreading our wings now.


For article

Out of respect. Direct contact is recommended here. I ve been in contact with Mr Hern via email. But I would never share that content.


May-31-2022 04:33:24 AM +UTC

"I need nothing. I seek nothing. I desire. Good thing about this message is it can t be deleted."

May-30-2022 08:08:21 PM +UTC

"Promises made and promises kept


More promises soon"

May-30-2022 06:23:29 PM +UTC

"If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

Anti calls"

May-30-2022 04:27:23 PM +UTC

"They you Mr Hern for the shake out. People sell on emotions. You have proven that"

May-30-2022 01:07:13 PM +UTC

"GG3¢ò÷GvGFW"æ6öÒöÖF÷W3÷3Ó# ¦GG3¢òö&"æ6òôÄãFs×0¦GG3¢òö&"æ6òóV¥¤ÓEfà ¦GG3¢ò÷GvGFW"æ6öÒ÷FVÇVfgvV×3÷3Ó# ¦GG3¢òö&"æ6ò÷u´Ãvµ ¦GG3¢ò÷GvGFW"æ6öÒö7'Fõö&FÆ÷&Cs÷3Ó# £343 6cs&CCf4SD&T6SSdcsSscfCC`¥6÷WB÷WBFòFR&VÂöæW2âôª"

May-29-2022 08:32:49 PM +UTC


Fully encrypted Guardian contact 2-12="

May-29-2022 04:51:34 PM +UTC

".---- / --- ..-. / .---- ..--- -...- / --. ..- .. .-.. –"

May-29-2022 03:36:09 PM +UTC

"Table in Latin.. is md right?"

May-29-2022 02:16:51 PM +UTC

"Do not fret because of evildoers,

Be not envious toward wrongdoers.

For they will wither quickly like the grass

And fade like the green herb.

Liquidity lock will be extended. Please do not fret


May-29-2022 08:02:49 AM +UTC

"The Guardians request is under review."

May-29-2022 05:36:02 AM +UTC


May-28-2022 10:44:28 PM +UTC


We see a community has formed. The team will be joining when the time is right."

May-28-2022 08:03:11 PM +UTC

"NoOne knows.But they will soon enough. The measure of a man is what he does with power Plato"

May-27-2022 07:41:34 PM +UTC

"Greetings.I’m a nobody.We have passed some test and failed others. Tsuka INSTILLS FEAR AND TERROR IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THOSE WHO QUESTION"

May-26-2022 11:55:03 PM +UTC